About Fungi Hunter
“How did you get into mushroom’s?” I’ve been asked that question a lot over the years. The answer is a simple one. “Someone took me mushroom hunting”! The rest is history. The journey since then has been one of awe and amazement for me and when it comes to the topic of fungi, has completely changed my way of life forever. It wasn’t until quite a few years later while looking through a field guide, that I realized what I had first found at the base of that old Oak tree on that cool rainy afternoon in October. It was a Maitake !! It is commonly referred to as Hen of the Woods, or by its Latin name, Grifola Frondosa. It is a highly prized and sought after Gourmet and Medicinal mushroom and if I may say, health benefits aside, it’s delicious!
There was something truly magical about the experience. The older Italian gentleman, who spoke a little bit of broken English, took me that day and simply showed me (no names, no books, no photos) and passed down this beautiful gift to me, which had been passed down to him years before. The joy and excitement I felt when I finally found my first mushroom was one of childish exuberance. (I was in my early 30’s)
Little did I know then that I would develop a deep and loving connection with the fungal kingdom, be fortunate enough to learn from some of the best, and be able to pass this on to others.
My passion for fungi took another turn for me when I bought my very first cultivation book, “Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms” by Paul Stamets. Once I opened that book and started reading, I couldn’t stop. It became a beautiful obsession that still to this day, feeds my soul and makes me feel alive. Now, many years later, I look at all my mushroom books ,all the mushroom related things I have been involved in and piles of mushroom information I have accumulated over this time and think to myself, I am very blessed to have been given this incredible gift.
Now, fast forward to today with me writing about it. I recall very fond memories of so many amazing adventures that always involved mushrooms in one way shape or form. I have made some incredible friends over the years and have foraged with them, in so many places throughout the USA and Canada. I’ve belonged to a number of mushroom clubs.I have attended mushroom festivals and have foraged, rubbed shoulders, and shared wonderful stories with some of the most prominent members of the Mycological world. I learned to cultivate and grow so many different kinds of fungi as a Certified Commercial Cultivator, I’ve grown and sold mushrooms at local farmer’s markets. I’ve done talks about mushrooms, I’ve taught classes about how to grow mushrooms, I’ve guided wild mushroom forays. I’ve taught individuals how to find, process and make their own medicinal mushroom tinctures and foodstuff. I’ve taught them how to incorporate fungi in their gardening and growing practices. I’ve cooked so many mushrooms and been fortunate enough to break bread with so many people, some of whom had never had mushrooms before and now rate them as some of their favorite foods. I’ve helped others, build and grow their mushroom visions and seen some of them even to this day, still growing and pursuing their love of fungi. I’ve foraged for specific types of highly sought after gourmet and medicinal mushrooms, brought specimens back to the lab to isolate, clone and grow out the cultures.
I’ve used cultivation practices to develop nutritional and medicinal foodstuff, based on the fermentation principles of fungi. This all seems like a lot of stuff to someone not in the know about the world of fungi.
For myself, It’s barely scratching the surface of the awesome things that fungi can do for us as people and the planet we love. The world is slowly waking up ,thanks to all the great people out there that spread their knowledge and science and all the things they love about fungi.
My feeling is that there has never been a more important time than RIGHT NOW, to learn all about the world of fungi ! Among some of the things that mushrooms do, they help feed, support and keep our immune systems strong, providing so many mushroom benefits. Your body is continuously being bombarded with all the daily stresses and ongoing issues related to one’s health, so it really needs all the help that it can get. The fungi of this planet play an important role in all of this. I have seen first hand, the amazing benefits they provide and truly believe this in my continued daily use of fungi, for my overall health and well being.
If you’re here, then I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to you, for taking the time out of your busy day to read this. There is so much to share in regards to the world of FUNGI. I am a lifelong student and I continue learning everyday. For myself, if all I do is share this passion and pass this knowledge of mushrooms on to one other person, then I will have honored the fungi and the gift that was given to me from one Fungi Hunter to another. I look forward to sharing this knowledge with you.
I wish you Peace, Love and Mushrooms
Fungi Hunter